Mom: “Don’t You Dare Look at Your Phone at the Table!”

“No Technology at the Table” Policies Popular in Theory
If mom takes your phone away before Christmas dinner this year, don’t be surprised.

Americans hate the proliferation of mobile phones and tablets at the dinner table, according to a new survey by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute. Whether they will do something about it is another question.

According to the Saint Leo […]

By |December 13th, 2013|Institute|0 Comments

The Florida Factor: Why the Sunshine Persists in National Politics

Opinion/Editorial by Frank Orlando, instructor of political science, Saint Leo University
The 2016 presidential election may be nearly three years away, but in Florida, the crown jewel of the electoral map, it’s never too early to start comparing the candidates vying for the country’s highest office.  Florida has been the most closely divided state in the Union in two of the […]

By |December 13th, 2013|Institute|0 Comments

Floridians agree Congress is failing, according to new poll

Floridians may be divided on their political preferences for president and governor but they all agree they don’t like Congress. Congress’s approval rating is just 11 percent, with 83 percent disapproving of the job Congress is doing. Remarkably, in polling 310 Floridians 40 and older, the survey failed to find a single one who said they “strongly approve” of Congress.

“Congressional […]

By |December 12th, 2013|Institute|0 Comments

Incumbent Gov. Rick Scott trails former Gov. Charlie Crist

In the Florida governor’s race, former Gov. Charlie Crist holds a 46-34 percent lead over incumbent Gov. Rick Scott. Scott’s numbers are weighed down in part by some cracks in his own base. While 63 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of Scott, just 59 percent of Republicans say they would re-elect him. A significant percentage of Republicans hold […]

By |December 12th, 2013|Institute|0 Comments

Florida Republicans back natives Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie may top the GOP field among a general audience, but he has competition for the affections of Republican primary voters. Slightly more likely-voter Republicans say they could support native sons Jeb Bush (44 percent), the former governor, and current U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (42 percent), if they were to run than Christie (38 percent).

U.S. Sen. […]

By |December 12th, 2013|Institute|0 Comments

Clinton, Christie party favorites in Florida, according to new poll

The two most popular politicians among Florida voters are New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, according to a new poll by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute.

Clinton, a Democrat, is viewed favorably by 59 percent of Florida likely voters and unfavorably by 37 percent, for a net favorability rating of +22. […]

By |December 12th, 2013|Institute|0 Comments