
Saint Leo Poll Finds As the Public Learns More About Drones, Opinions Split on the Best Civilian Uses

Not everyone wants consumer deliveries from above permitted in their communities

SAINT LEO, FL – Just about everybody understands what a drone is, but a new survey from the Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( shows the public is divided in its thinking about whether civilian drones would make great package-delivery vehicles or are nuisances that should be banned.

The latest poll […]

By |December 12th, 2016|Institute|0 Comments

INFOGRAPHIC: Favorite Holiday Songs and Shows

By |December 12th, 2016|Institute|0 Comments

Favorite Christmas Movies, TV Shows Spotlighted in New Saint Leo University Poll

SAINT LEO, FL ­– Choosing a favorite Christmas movie or TV show can be a challenge. There is a movie about a department store Santa Claus who claims to be the real Santa. Or how about a holiday movie plot with a suicidal man who sacrificed his dreams for the good of his small town and is guided by a […]

By |December 12th, 2016|Institute|0 Comments

Favorite Christmas Tunes Ranked by Saint Leo University Poll Respondents

SAINT LEO, FL – Do you run screaming into the street when you hear the first note of Alvin and the Chipmunks’ Christmas Don’t Be Late? Does the sound of dogs barking Jingle Bells give you a nervous twitch?

Rest assured that most folks select an old classic—a very old classic dating back to 1818—when naming their favorite Christmas song.

A new […]

By |December 12th, 2016|Institute|0 Comments

Saint Leo University Poll Shows Early Base of GOP Support for U.S. Senate Candidacy Favoring Governor Rick Scott

SAINT LEO – Florida Republicans asked to think about the next major election in their lives— coming in 2018—favor current Governor Rick Scott above others named as possible GOP nominees to run for U.S. Senate, a new Saint Leo University Polling Institute  ( survey shows.

The poll of 501 Florida residents was completed November 27 through November 30, 2016.

Republicans in the […]

By |December 8th, 2016|Institute|0 Comments

Not All Election Wounds Healed, New Saint Leo University Poll Shows

But More Say They Are Mending Fences With Family, Friends

SAINT LEO, FL – A combative election season has left some strife among friends and families, a new survey by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( shows.

Respondents were asked if the contentious election cycle put them at odds with family or friends. Almost one-quarter, 23.8 percent, suggest they did find […]

By |December 7th, 2016|Institute|0 Comments