
About Frank Orlando

Frank Orlando is an instructor of political science at Saint Leo University. He has a master’s degree in political science and government from Duke University, where he also completed further graduate studies in public choice policy. His research focuses on American federal institutions and elections, and specializes in Congressional procedure. He teaches courses on American government, Congress, the presidency, elections, and democracy. His work on the Senate has been published in the edited volume, Party and Procedure in the United States Congress, and he is a member of the American Political Science Association.

Clinton So Far the Preference in National Polling Results

SAINT LEO, FL – A new June survey on presidential candidates conducted by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( ( found Democrat Hillary Clinton leading Republican opponent Donald Trump by 44.9 percent to 37 percent among likely voters in a presumed two-candidate race with another 18.1 percent undecided.

The poll specifically asked respondents what they would do if the election […]

By |June 22nd, 2016|Institute|0 Comments

Voters Ascribe Faults Including Racism to Trump in Significant Numbers

SAINT LEO, FL  – A new national poll by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute found that three out of four likely voters think that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is arrogant and uncivil, and more than half even consider him to be a racist because of remarks he has made. He gets about the same reviews from likely voters […]

By |June 22nd, 2016|Institute|0 Comments

Marco Rubio a Strong Favorite Among Florida GOP Voters for Senate Candidacy, Saint Leo University Polling Results Affirm

A special June survey conducted among Florida Republican likely voters by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute showed strong preference for returning former GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio to the U.S. Senate to continue representing the Sunshine State, over one of the several other, lesser-known GOP candidates who have been running.

When Rubio entered the race for the GOP nomination for […]

By |June 17th, 2016|Institute|0 Comments

Polling Topic Back in the News: A Political Scientist’s Commentary on the Pope’s Environmental Encyclical

Frank Orlando
Instructor of political science
Faculty expert on American politics

Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, Laudato Si, is winning plaudits for adhering to mainstream scientific belief on climate change and calling attention to its disproportionate effect on the poor. What effect will this have on the American political landscape? Pope Francis has maintained a high approval rating throughout his […]

By |June 26th, 2015|Institute|0 Comments

The Florida Factor: Why the Sunshine Persists in National Politics

Opinion/Editorial by Frank Orlando, instructor of political science, Saint Leo University
The 2016 presidential election may be nearly three years away, but in Florida, the crown jewel of the electoral map, it’s never too early to start comparing the candidates vying for the country’s highest office.  Florida has been the most closely divided state in the Union in two of the […]

By |December 13th, 2013|Institute|0 Comments