Nelson Leads Scott for U.S. Senate in Florida According to October Survey from the Saint Leo University Polling Institute

Pre-Debate, Gillum in Lead over DeSantis for Governor
Some Voters Moved by a Trump Effect, Both Pro and Anti
Fouled Waterways Have Half of Voters Steamed
Down-Ticket Races Look Tight, with One in Five or More Still Undecided
Four Ballot Measures Tested in Survey

ST. LEO – Results from the Saint Leo University Polling Institute’s ( recent survey of […]

By |October 25th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments

New Saint Leo University Poll Shows Popularity of Pope Declines

ST. LEO, FL – Amid investigations of sexual abuse by priests in Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C., and other areas, a new Saint Leo University Polling Institute survey shows a drastic drop in Pope Francis’ favorability ratings.

The sum of respondents who say they view the pontiff very favorably or somewhat favorably sank below 50 percent.

The Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( survey […]

By |October 25th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments

Saint Leo University Survey Finds Democrat Gillum Leading Republican DeSantis in Florida Governor’s Race Just Prior to Candidates’ Second Debate

ST. LEO – Tallahassee Mayor and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum leads his Republican opponent Ron DeSantis by nearly 12 percentage points in a new survey of registered Florida voters by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute.

The poll was conducted online with 698 registered likely voters statewide from October 16 through October 22.

Of the respondents polled, 48.6 percent said they […]

By |October 24th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments

New Saint Leo University Survey Zeroes in On Possible School Safety Measures and Their Appeal with the Academic Year Underway

The idea of arming teachers is less popular than other approaches
ST. LEO, FL – Results of a recent survey of 1,000 Americans conducted by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( found that a strong majority of those polled favor training in mental health and child-adolescent development for the public safety professionals who are called to respond to incidents of violence […]

By |September 17th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments

New Saint Leo University Poll Shows Half of Americans Have Strong Trust in Police but a Quarter of Those Polled Say the Opposite

Survey also tested public’s confidence in federal agencies ICE and FBI
ST. LEO, FL – Among Americans surveyed recently by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute (, just over half have strong trust in police officers, as well as in police departments. The August 2018 findings edged down from previous years to 52.4 percent with strong trust in officers, and 50.8 percent […]

By |September 10th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments

Recent and Past Approval Ratings for Trump Reviewed, Along with General Interest in 2018 Political Activity

ST. LEO, FL – An August survey by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( found that the latest national job approval rating for President Donald J. Trump was nearing 48 percent, with the figure just above 50 percent in Florida. Ratings from both samples are higher than past ratings for the president.

The survey was completed by 1,000 adults nationally and […]

By |September 5th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments