Disasters and Politics Create Interesting Wrinkles in Floridians’ Charitable Budgets in 2018

About Four in 10 Will Repeat Their Overall 2017 Giving
New Federal Tax Law Has Some Charities On Edge
#Giving Tuesday Still Ahead: November 27

ST. LEO, FL – A new survey of Americans by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute (http://polls.saintleo.edu) suggests some Florida households are changing how much they donate to their usual lists of worthy charities this […]

By |November 15th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments

New Saint Leo Survey Finds Stories of Disasters and Political Races Influenced American Household Charitable Budgets This Year

#Giving Tuesday Holiday Ahead on November 27
About Four in 10 Want to Donate Similar Levels as in 2017
New Tax Law May Still Have Implications

ST. LEO, FL – A new survey of Americans by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute (http://polls.saintleo.edu) suggests some households are changing how much they donate to their usual lists of worthy charities this […]

By |November 15th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments

Americans to Spend Big on Pets for Holidays, New Saint Leo U Poll Shows

Animals Treated Like Family So Industry Continues to Grow
ST. LEO, FL – Americans love their fur babies—as well as their feathered friends, leathery lizards, and fascinating fish. A new survey by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute looked at pet ownership and the holidays.
The Saint Leo University Polling Institute (http://polls.saintleo.edu) survey was fielded nationally online among 1,167 adults from October […]

By |November 14th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments

Americans Say ‘No’ to Shopping on Thanksgiving, Strong Support for Stores Remaining Closed, New Saint Leo University Poll Shows

Survey Also Examines Cyber Monday Security
ST. LEO, FL – In the past few years, retailers felt the backlash from their decision to be open on Thanksgiving Day, beginning holiday sales a day early. Social media campaigns slammed stores that made employees work on the holiday. This year, more stores announced they will not open until Black Friday, November 23. A […]

By |November 5th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments

New Saint Leo U Poll Shows Americans Say They will Set Aside Political Disagreements, Discussion for Thanksgiving Gatherings

 Generational Disputes Could Figure Into Plans, Psychology Faculty Member Says

ST. LEO, FL – Are you afraid your Thanksgiving table could turn into a disaster with thrown mashed potatoes and lobbed turkey legs? A new Saint Leo University Polling Institute survey shows political discourse and disagreement is playing into some Thanksgiving plans. But most Americans say they will put away the […]

By |October 30th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments

New Saint Leo University Poll Finds More than Half of Americans Saying They Are Civically Engaged for This Election Cycle

Actual voter turnout could test how committed voters really are
Angry talk about politics is tiring people out, they say
Health care rises to the top of the list again as an important issue
Trump’s job approval just over 42 percent
Respondents weigh in on ease, accuracy, and reliability of voting methods

ST. LEO, FL – As November midterm […]

By |October 29th, 2018|Institute|0 Comments