
More Than Six in 10 Americans Are Donating As Much or More to Charity in 2019 as in 2018, New Saint Leo University Poll Shows

The Impact of New Tax Provisions on Individual Giving Appears Limited So Far
ST. LEO, FL – A November survey of 1,000 Americans by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( found a recent change in tax law seems to have had only limited effect on how much people give to charitable causes.
More than six in 10 Americans said they will […]

By |December 18th, 2019|Institute|0 Comments

Americans Say Catholic Priests Should be Allowed to Marry, Saint Leo U Poll Shows

Polling Also Looks at Favorability of Pope Francis, Catholic Church

ST. LEO, FL – A new poll by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute shows most Americans say the Catholic Church should allow priests to marry.

As part of a Catholic university, founded on Benedictine traditions, the Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( surveys on topics that affect Catholics and the public’s […]

By |December 16th, 2019|Institute|0 Comments

New Saint Leo University Poll Explores How Many People Feel Strained to Be Civil During Holidays

Americans Say They Will Avoid Talking Politics During Christmas

ST. LEO, FL ­­– Most Americans say they will avoid controversial topics such as politics at their holiday gatherings this year, according to a new poll released by the Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( And more younger Americans say they will decline Christmas invitations to avoid conflicts during the holidays.

Fielded […]

By |December 13th, 2019|Institute|0 Comments

Americans Fret About Economy, But Prepare Holiday Gift Budgets, Saint Leo University Poll Shows

ST. LEO, FL ­– While Americans say they are worried about the economy, a new Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( survey shows they also are concerned about overspending on holiday gifts and entertaining this year.

The most recent Saint Leo poll was conducted from November 13 through November 18 among 1,000 total respondents nationally.

Among those Americans who report they will […]

By |December 13th, 2019|Institute|0 Comments

New Saint Leo University Poll Shows Most Americans Embrace Christmas

‘Merry Christmas’ Leads as Americans’ Favorite Holiday Greeting

ST. LEO, FL – For more Americans this year, Christmas is the “merriest” of the seasons, a new Saint Leo University Polling Institute survey ( shows with more people saying they will observe the holiday, consider it a religious observance, and wish folks a “Merry Christmas.”

In the past few years, holiday polls, including […]

By |December 12th, 2019|Institute|0 Comments

Saint Leo University Survey Reveals Florida Public Sentiment on Traffic Laws, Additional Voter Rights Expansion, Marijuana Regulation

Broad Agreement Emerges on Addressing Careless Driving

ST. LEO, FL – A recent Saint Leo University Polling Institute ( survey that explores policy changes Floridians will have to consider—or adapt to—in 2020 finds widespread support for stronger traffic safety laws. On the other hand, opinions are split in statewide conversations about making it easier for ex-felons to regain voting rights, among […]

By |December 10th, 2019|Institute|0 Comments